Irrational btw is my polite way of saying Boosheet.  I happen to be sick for the week. And tomorrow happens to be a day with no lessons, instead some lame celebratory thing of handing out awards which i’m sure all of us are looking forward to. Imagine all the things we can do: apart from clap and clap and clap and .. nothing. It’s what i have considered for four years to be meaningless, with no purpose or benefit or even the slightest reason for being there.

No doubt i have made it a resolution not to skip  — wholly out of pragmatic purposes, in case i miss something that is important. It is unlikely that i would want to skip on any day. Lessons are very important and in fact now they are enjoyable much like last year where they were inflicted with things like chemistry.

But I am not skipping — I’m ill.  Medically and legally, I can be exempt from what i deem pointless. And for some reason, I’m actually thinking of going tmr. If i were to go tmr, I should laugh at my intelligence and detest how much my mind has degraded into raw stupidity. Why the hell — would i even consider. I am quite concerned that I might really go for no apparent reason. The irrationality!  Am i a son of a fool?

Because it’s the right thing.
Hell, as if i ever gave a damn about that!