
Your Debut Album

1 – Go to http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Special:Random. The first random Wikipedia article you get is the name of your band.
2 – Go to Random Quotations: http://www.quotationspage.com/random.php3. The last four words of the very last quote of the page is the title of your first album.

If you want to do this again, you’ll hit refresh to generate new quotes, because clicking the quotes link again will just give you the same quotes over and over again.
3 – Go to flickr’s “Explore The Last Seven Days” http://www.flickr.com/explore/interesting/7days/. Third picture, no matter what it is, will be your album cover.

Put it all together, that’s your debut album.

Name of band: Hideshio Station
Album: More Real Than Life

why Hiddeshio station, makes it sound like some J-rock thing. While on wiki this is a train station, it can also be interpreted as a radio station, how very music related. At least i didnt get an article on syphillis or ministry of development indonesia.  As for the album quote, naish, it is frm Oscar Wilde (awesome!)

There is a fun in this random nonsense

You Have a Phlegmatic Temperament

Mild mannered and laid back, you take life at a slow pace.
You are very consistent – both in emotions and actions.
You tend to absorb set backs easily. You are cool and collected.

It is difficult to offend you. You can remain composed and unemotional.
You are a great friend and lover. You don’t demand much of others.
While you are quiet, you have a subtle wit that your friends know well.

At your worst, you are lazy and unwilling to work at anything.
You often get stuck in a rut, without aspirations or dreams.
You can get too dependent on others, setting yourself up for abandonment.

can’t be helped . this is abit too fitting and shall be preamble to the HELL QUIZ coming soon

after exams maybe.

This may be the draw back of having an average of four hours of sleep a day. Not only do you get terribly drugged out (especially in the afternoon when the sun is high in the sky) The numbing sensation makes it hard to differentiate reality and dreams. This is especially so given how hazy my memory is. This is especially so given that my dreams more often than not are rather realistic, spare the few gain-vampire-powers one. You know how sad things has been when school, work, bate, msn becomes an integral part of your dreams. Or so i vaguely recall.

“I completed my IOP in my sleep!”
“and there was this once I spent the night on msn with O-Har.. only to find no trace the next day!”
“Did i really have eight fifty dollar notes in my wallet last night? “

Just how do we know? If the only indication of our past experiences is our memory, then what if we change a person’s memory. Would his past experiences still be considered to be the same to him? Never been to Disneyland, but “remembers” he been to Disneyland because he sees photos with an older brother looking like him in it. Or what if we had the technology/magical power to erase certain bits of memories and replace them with others — never had a sister, only a brother. never was a leader of a revolution. only a school kid.

It is a fine line between being a philosopher and being a lunatic. Though both can lead on to each other.
Perhaps that is why Mr A. thinks I’m demented.

“some day I will wake up; and realise i made up — everything”
— Senses Fail

He knows I am lying.
I know he knows I am lying.
He knows I know he knows I am lying.

But I lie anyway, he plays along anyway – to an extent maybe even try to cover for me.
All for formality sake.

After four years, i know his stupid excuses too — to an extent his intentions behind the eccentricities

Subway should never be shared.

“You can have everything you want but no onions and no capsicums.”
“………ugh. but onions and capsicums are the ONLY vegetables i add!”

“I love pickles.”
“i hate them. they’re disgusting.”

To think i ate a footlong by myself two days ago.

It disturbs me — friday is the day we all look forward to. It is the eve of the weekend — our main period of rest.

And yet, friday is the day that leaves me with the most discontentment and emptiness. For reasons I do not know. (I fear that this is almost feminine a behaviour)

How ironic it is — right before the moment we’ve been waiting for arrives, we lose interest or have a change of mood. There is no sense of closure that we were hoping to get. No sensation that we were looking forward to. How ironic.

And the cycle shortly repeats itself after the weekend.

A week spent looking forward for Friday.

(I see unintended metaphors. I’m subconsciously so good, I should be a poet)

Perhaps i should start posting again soon. Perhaps?

Earlier I said i would restart my blog or setup a new one (like the (47934984984th one already) to signify my new life post-bate.

Somehow, things still dont seem to be much different. There are still many things to be done. Most of which, i cant quite recall for the time being. The time. The time. Surely I must have better things to do.

Perhaps i should start posting again soon.

Irrational btw is my polite way of saying Boosheet.  I happen to be sick for the week. And tomorrow happens to be a day with no lessons, instead some lame celebratory thing of handing out awards which i’m sure all of us are looking forward to. Imagine all the things we can do: apart from clap and clap and clap and .. nothing. It’s what i have considered for four years to be meaningless, with no purpose or benefit or even the slightest reason for being there.

No doubt i have made it a resolution not to skip  — wholly out of pragmatic purposes, in case i miss something that is important. It is unlikely that i would want to skip on any day. Lessons are very important and in fact now they are enjoyable much like last year where they were inflicted with things like chemistry.

But I am not skipping — I’m ill.  Medically and legally, I can be exempt from what i deem pointless. And for some reason, I’m actually thinking of going tmr. If i were to go tmr, I should laugh at my intelligence and detest how much my mind has degraded into raw stupidity. Why the hell — would i even consider. I am quite concerned that I might really go for no apparent reason. The irrationality!  Am i a son of a fool?

Because it’s the right thing.
Hell, as if i ever gave a damn about that!

Is everything just a means to an end? Or are we to enjoy this along the process anyway? This puts an end to the Series of Dilemmas about my subjects (I hope I am right at least). It is almost like the end of a short journey, Ironically, it is just the beginning. More like the end of one manga arc before moving on to the next major arc. The decision i made is probably more permanent and I have given it more than sufficient thought by now. Above all, I had prayed on it (and am still continuing to do so)

Perhaps it’s chance that someone who just changed to my HL math class has the SL book whereas i have the HL book. I foresee good coincidence of mutual benefit here.

In the most metaphorical way (and i happened to be very amused by this analogy) i can put this — I’m rejecting the richer girl for someone else who does not necessarily have house and lands. I personally gave thought about this scenario before and my conclusion was clear as to what I would to given such a situation. Somehow, back then, it just did not coincide with my view about subjects.

Ohwell. There probably is some loss, not. What matters is that I am happy. Riches are often the end goal of people. From my point of view, riches are never the end goal. Theyre just a means to an end — happiness. Riches should never come in the way of happness.

Either way, I trust that the future is on that is going to be well taken care of, so why should i take the unnecessarily harder way? Better that I do something I’d enjoy more now. I earlier said that “emotions, preferences, likings are all subjective” and can be controlled. Perhaps not.

Truth be told — I am hoping to get into 5.14 right now. And if anything, I absolutely do NOT want to get into 5.17. I pray that everything works out for the best and goes smoothly. But that being said, it will be unfortunate, nevertheless to part with my jew corner — there’s always bio for that.

In any case, this has essentially been a learning experience; a chance for me to grow and mature, perhaps even grow closer to God as he guides me through al these. I am quite sure that I will eventually have to make more choices, probably harder ones. This time, I had settled for what a historian could consider to be inevitable — predetermined to happen frm the start. The idea of math might have been like “making an eagle swim and a fish fly” right from the start anyway.

On a side note, I somehow feel some sentimental value or even pride in looking at the two rows of words below a signature on the paper I have just gotten. Somehow, I find the two rows of six words in total symbolic. they are-

I should get this out of my way as soon as possible so i can start on work proper tonight.

I think that I may have seen my teacher from primary six on the bus. If so, she put on weight. She may find my blog, as unlikely as it may be, in which case, I’m screwed. But i’m direct about such things anyway.

I may be wrong though. I sure hope that I am wrong because my reaction was essentially…nothing. For one, I barely noticed her till the time I was about to get off the bus. I may be wrong. I can’t be sure that I was right.

But I can’t be sure that I was wrong. I could have talked, I could have gestured, I could have something. But what did I do? Nothing. I pussied out essentially because of a possibility that I may be wrong. Would it have hurt even a bit for me to open my mouth of stone? I wouldn’t have lost anything. It wouldn’t have cost me anything but I didn’t do anything anyway.

I didn’t know what to do. In such a short period of time, how was my mind supposed to react?

This doesn’t matter. The past is the past. It does not matter whether or not I know if it was her. In no way is my life meant to be affected because of a bus trip. Pragmatism dictates that I dgas and move on. I’ve always been very good with ignoring and forgetting whatever that has happened before anyway.

Or maybe it does matter — because as I stated before “People are an ends in and of themselves. That is the exception to my slaromic pragmatism” How would someone feel to be forgotten or worse, possibly remembered but ignored? How disheartening to be treated as such by an emotional investment. And on the flip side, the joy that could have emerged.

Whatever it is, it doesn’t matter to me now anymore. I have gotten off the bus. I can’t change anything. Maybe everything was just an illusion. Maybe I’m completely mistaken. Or perhaps I need to be prepared for a next such occurrence, how would I react if this situation ever occurred again.

In the mean time, I can and should only look forward to a better Tomorrow. Forget yesterday.

Now, what do i have left to do?

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