No doubt I have created (muchly unintentionally due to a severe misinterpretation) a big hoo-ha over lunch. Experience tells me that excitement dies down within a week, there are however some Long Run questions posed require a lot more rigourous thought processes from me.

But that was not the main focus of the day that got me thinking. It was dwarfed by whatever that followed *after* I left. It is most unfortunate that I am not allowed to make mention because of its uh, high level of confidentiality and privacy involved. Then again, not as if I’ll post something descriptive involving people anyway.

The event (and side discussion in the afternoon) has led me to consider Lloyd’s Effort-Results Curve again.

1. If Results/Effort gradient < 1, the effort is not worth it
2. Occasionally there is no correlation between effort and results.

To discount those two arguments, one has to be determined to get what one wants such that a Results/Effort gradient is <1 is still worth it. On an even more extreme level, a Short Run Results/Effort gradient of <0 is worth continuing with hope that in the Long Run things will change. In addition to that, one has to be idealist and hopeful that there is a correlation between Results and Effort. Above all, they are sure about what they want. If you ask me (the curve maker), some people just have more “hope”, more determination, more brave but may not necessarily change anything. I could possibly use an example to explain but that’d be revealing too much at other’s expense.

On the other hand, we have the lazy people who’ll sit back and let life happen to them (whom a certain someone can’t stand ><) — who might be having a comparatively better situation with greater potential provided they tried.

The thing is: we lack information. We really won’t know what the outcome is. We most certainly won’t know what the other cards that are being played are. In fact, we wouldn’t know what exactly the Results/Efforts slope is. Thus basing down to whether or not a person is risk averse or risk-preferring.

What we need is a MaoGeass/crystal ball God’s help. We may not have all the information but God does. We may not have all the Power and ability to set the Inevitables but God does. After all, we may not be sure sometimes if we really want what we want in the long run. Talk about the Tragedy of Life, that of getting what you want and regretting it. If anything, I think that God makes a better decision than me. (dare you dispute this)

But I digress, I am no doubt impressed (by mere observation) in the large amounts of effort and resources and time put in for what I’d consider to be a situation that doesn’t look good already. Honestly, honestly, impressed. Because I wonder what I would have done in that situation…naught?

Right now it is 4am, I’ve had four hours of sleep and I will hopefully get more in the afternoon after I come home. ALso, I have been very annoyed with my rashes on my chest/shoulder that I have to take my concoction of orange juice and green tea with mashed apples and milk. It’s quite mild already if you ask me. I’ve had worse. I’ll probably stay up till sunrise to compile the FS for friday.


“If you are going through hell, keep going.” says Winston Churchill. I’d say get out.

I am appalled. Even the laziest people I know are starting to exercise over the holidays i.e. go to gym/run/swim. Incidentally they’re all from … Eventually I may very well get peer pressured to stop spending all my time in bed/ on the swing.

Exercise is after all a good thing — for health, for mental clarity, for emotional spirits, for surviving two years three months in the jungle.

As far as possible, if i were to exercise at all, it would probably not involve not stepping out of the house. I don’t have weights, or access to a gym which makes me severely underequipped. Its highly unlikely that i run at all unless at night.

So it will probably involve 4 sets of 25 pushups and crunches with a two minute break between each! And it will be done once in the morning and once at night!!

. [Insert picture of female athletes exercising! They’re dark, have MAN ARMS and six packs. omg.]

As if la. -_-

Laziness triumphs again. One month of the holiday has already passed, the remaining one month shall be spent in bed/ in the swing. I shall cut down on going out so as to get proper rest. I shall trust that the Effort Results Curve applies to other areas as well. heh.

On a side note, I foresee not sleeping at all till tmr since I just slept for five hours from 4pm-9pm.