Your Debut Album

1 – Go to The first random Wikipedia article you get is the name of your band.
2 – Go to Random Quotations: The last four words of the very last quote of the page is the title of your first album.

If you want to do this again, you’ll hit refresh to generate new quotes, because clicking the quotes link again will just give you the same quotes over and over again.
3 – Go to flickr’s “Explore The Last Seven Days” Third picture, no matter what it is, will be your album cover.

Put it all together, that’s your debut album.

Name of band: Hideshio Station
Album: More Real Than Life

why Hiddeshio station, makes it sound like some J-rock thing. While on wiki this is a train station, it can also be interpreted as a radio station, how very music related. At least i didnt get an article on syphillis or ministry of development indonesia.  As for the album quote, naish, it is frm Oscar Wilde (awesome!)

There is a fun in this random nonsense

I have been asked by yvonne who just found out about my blog (and vice versa) to do this some 1am in the morning.

Favourite Colour: i don’t have a favourite really, but i’d probably pick grey if i had to (cos its so very neutral!)
Favourite Food: i don’t have a favourite really.
Favourite Movie: i don’t have a favourite really.
Favourite Sport: i don’t have a favourite really. Plus its a sport (and for some reason EVERYONE i know lately been exercising)
Favourite Day: I prefer night time.
Favourite Season: NOT SUMMER.
Favourite Ice-cream: i’m still deciding between chocolate and vanilla at the moment.

Current Mood: none.
Current Clothes: none. okay fine, im kidding, tshirt and shorts.
Current Desktop: if you’rerefering to com wall paper, its black. If you’re refering to whatever my com is on, theres nothing, if you’re refering to my desk, its covered with paper and books
Current Time: 1:25AM (incidentally the blog i took this from is 11:25AM)
Current Surroundings: Whatever, I’m in bed now.
Current Annoyances: none.

First Best Friend: i can’t remember really.
First Crush: technically, more of a form of female semi idolisation from a few years back >< 
First Movie: i can’t remember really.
First Lie: there’s been too many lies already. i can’t remember at all. It’s probably: “yeah I did already”
First Music: i bet its some rock thing my parents were listening to

Last drink: plain water
Last Crush: uh, what the heck la. It overlaps with the first. Then again, I’m not…
Last Phone Call: “hello lloyd, are you coming today?”
Last CD played: some sermon thing.

Have you ever dated one of your good friends: nnow that depends on what you define by date and what you define by good friend — probably.
Have you ever broken the law: i think i have illegally downloaded more than i have jaywalked. Probably a bit of underaged things here and there
Have you ever been arrested: no!
Have you ever been on TV: i think there have been, but i dont rmb specifically. Actually, now I do rmb. I have been on TV to uh, watch a certain game show -_- /facepalm
Have you ever kissed someone you dont know: how the heck?

Random (i know they said five things)
5 things you are good at: keeping secrets, the rest are secret or variable
5 Things you’ve done today: spend a day in teh swing.
5 Things you can hear right now: sounds from outside my window
Typings on keyboard: this post and msn convos.

I have gotten too lazy to copy the Tag 5 people thing and the rules on top since i think that both are pointless. This is especially so if i don’t read other people’s blogs nor know who reads my blog and actually have a blog.

Anyone who feels like doing and has time to waste, go ahead.

(proper post coming later todayto *cover up* this post) yes, i’m complaining.

Take this extremely short quiz here:

Being so short, I can’t say that it is entirely accurate, but at the very least it provides enough of a rough guage to groupe you into the four or five categories.

I happen to be (Left) liberal. The quiz was basically split into the personal and economic issues. I scored an 80 on personal issues in terms of how much freedom should be granted, but when it came to economic issues, I scored a mere 20 — quite the opposite. Incidentally they total up to be 100 by coincidence.

LIBERALS usually embrace freedom of choice in personal

matters, but tend to support significant government control of the

economy. They generally support a government-funded “safety net”
to help the disadvantaged, and advocate strict regulation

of business. Liberals tend to favor environmental regulations,

defend civil liberties and free expression, support government action

to promote equality, and tolerate diverse lifestyles

Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket

It’s interesting to note how putting the two scores on a table and finding the point they meet will land you into the grid which will classify you. Am thinking about the accuracy of this as well.

Perhaps my point of view will change after I read “Free to Choose — Milton Friedman” (which I will the moment I am sure I can get my 35%++ discount at borders hehe)

To quote Ronald Reagan, “Government is not the solution to our problems; government is the problem.”

I’d have to read up a bit more on Reaganomics (lately EVERYTHING has a damn “-nomics” at the back no thanks to Steven Levitt) and compare them (of the trickle down effect and what not) to FDR’s policies to deal with the Great Depression. It could almost be considered an antithesis. (hmm, i’m getting some ideas here) Both their policies left USA with debt — its understandable since debt is a secondary issue to a president compared to making the voters happy.


So, here’s how it works:
1. Open your library (iTunes, Winamp, Media Player, iPod, iPaq etc)
2. Put it on shuffle
3. Press play
4. For every question, type the song that’s playing
5. When you go to a new question, press the next button
6. Don’t lie and try to pretend you’re cool…

01 – OPENING CREDITS: Godfather Theme Song
(How apt, a movie song for opening credits)

02 – WAKING UP: Pandora – Madina Lake
(What kind of song is this to wake up to — it foreshadows an eerie day)

03 – FIRST DAY OF SCHOOL: All That I’ve Got – The Used
(once again, whatthe heck, an emo song for the first day of school — am not too surprised tho)

04 – FALLING IN LOVE: Kentai Life Returns! – Sugita Tomokazu
(oharuhisama. wait — why Exhausting Life Returns for THIS category?)

05 – FIGHT SONG: I Will Survive – Crazy Frog
(the remix of the gloria gaynor one)

06 – BREAKING UP: One More Try – George Michael

07 – PROM: To Bid You Farewell – Opeth

08 – LIFE: All That We Needed – Plain White T’s

09 – MENTAL BREAKDOWN: Hospital – The Used
(the used again??)

10 – DRIVING: Worth Dying For – Rise Against

11 – FLASHBACK: This Celluloid Dream – A.F.I

12 – WEDDING: Cool – Gwen Stefani
(this song may fit depending on how my life warps up /facepalm)

(no idea — translation needed)

14 – FINAL BATTLE: Canon in D

15 – DEATH SCENE: It’s Your World Now – Eagles
(whose world? mine world or yours? )

16 – FUNERAL SONG: A Little Too Late – Delta Goodrem
(yes yes, either a little too late for me to do what i should have or for others)

17 – END CREDITS: Everything – Lifehouse
(sums everything up)

I actually can’t pick a favourite out of all these songs — probably All That We Needed though.

A movie’s soundtrack is meant to be random anyway. Very random. But with a movie like “LLOYD. THE MOVIE” Hell, it has a funny mix of soundtracks including uh, jap random inserts (and uh Canon in D FINAL BATTLE song ftw)

But overall, i can quite picture it already — the boring tiring life of a daily continuous routine with nothing really happening. The critics would give it a 1 star , maybe half. (it’s tempting to call it The Melancholy of…) With that in mind, i can find it understandable to want Aliens, Time Travellers and Espers to appear.

If my life was a movie, what genre would i have it to be?
Action, Romance, Horror, Mystery, Science Fiction, Comedy, Tragedy?
I don’t know. (but running away from psycho killers is not really my cup of tea)

(lol, Canon in D Final Battle Scene.) uso da

quite simple: because the food is free and that the serving quantity is up to my choice.

I have come to realise that fasting would be a lot easier with my sleep habits messed even further than they already are.
Fasting hours are from: 7am-7pm.
My sleep hours can be tailored to be 11am-7pm with the rest of the day 7pm-11am spent awake.

Observation tells me that fasting (or rather stuffing all meals before and after sunset/rise) either makes damn skinny people or damn fat…

Anyway i don’t believe in fasting — personal belief that my Father does not want his child to go hungry. (other comments kept to self) — i can if i want to though.

Now to do a light hearted quiz i haven’t done for a long time. This is from Chan’s blog (ok, can’t be THAT light hearted la, foresees some emo tone to it XD). As usual i wouldn’t have read the quiz on his small fonted blog (for teh small ey-) until i paste it here:

Layer 1: On the outside
Birth date: 13th November 1991 (i may be lying about the birth date, but its approaching!)
Current Status: ?
Eye colour:white
Hair Colour: Black, brow, white — take your pick/pick your take

Layer 2: On the inside
My heritage: nothing pure, majority chinese, bits of white.
My fear: getting kitchenknived ><
My weakness: laziness, passiveness, lack of speed in action/reaction
My perfect pizza: plain cheese (am in no way perfectionist)

Layer 3: Yesterday, Today, Tomorrow
My first thought of waking up: wait, is it morning or evening right now?
My bedtime: all over the place, usually after midnight or after noon
My most missed memories: hmm, i clear my memories at the end of every year, so i don’t have much to recall. I don’t really believe in staying in the past, but instead we should live in the present and look to the future! It’s probably some time when i went out with someone(s) either one or two years ago. nothing in specific that i remember

Layer 4: My pick.
Pepsi or Coke: no soft drinks, plain water or alcohol.
Single or group dates: each has their own merits. But i think i’m often travelling threes or fours (if not twos)
Adidas or Nike: nike shoes, adidas shirt (vietnam ftw)
Vanilla or Chocolate: vanilla
Cappuccino or Coffee: coffee (i want more CATERER coffee!)

Layer 5: Do you?
Smoke: nope. and i never will
Do you curse: Hell yeah, no sh-
Take a shower: everyday, not to keep clean but cos i like the water
Have a crush: n-no..! O-of course not?! urusai urusai urusai!
Go to school: pretty much
Believe in yourself: yes and no, i’m not too sure really
Think you’re a health freak: not at all, no exercise, no sun, no sweat, just food, water and irregular sleep

Layer 6: In the past
Drink alcohol: course not, i’m a minor and i never lie
Gone to the mall: yeah, i’m not that much of an otaku, i stil have some semblance of a life.
Dyed your hair: nope, too much trouble.

Layer 7: Have you ever..?
Played a stripping game: that depends on what you mean by…
Change who you were to fit in: consider that i dont have a set definition to “who i am”

Layer 8: Are you hoping to
Get married: uh, yeah — contrary to common perception, i’m not gonna be asexual/a priest or something

Layer 9: In a partner
Best eye colour: doesn’t matter, does it? It’s asian country and i cant choose stuff like Red
Best hair colour: anything
Long or short hair: wa lau eh… ><

Layer 10: What were you doing?
A minute ago: reading hidden order
An hour ago: on the train with craw on the way home
A Month ago: probably talking to people who haven’t got their xbox 360s yet ><
A Year ago: probably chatting with people yet to have O levels/discussing about certain covert holiday activities

Layer 11: Finish the sentences..
I love: hiding
I hide: everything
I miss: nothing really, i put my past behind me pretty easily.
…….. (honestly i would have preferred something more..) I wonder if the KKYS has quizzes, i shouldgo raid the archives and leave a tag (though the older versions: i.e. b*nh*ts*s*n and g*nj*ts* or even h*****h*nt* are sure to have quizzes)