There are some things I learnt today, seven.

1. VJC and Pasir Ris are a lot further than I expected — what the heck at the 1hour bus ride. Its a generalisation that everywhere and everything in the east is the same (damn east — nothing good ever comes out each time i go)
2. When you are in a rush, you WILL miss the bus by a few metres.
3. It is a generalisation that competent and efficient people with RJ-caliber are mean unforgiving biatches. This generalisation is apparently untrue… i think.(am still terribly sorry for being late in any case) Perhaps my theory about how Personality Packages — how good traits and bad traits come in a package may be wrong….
4. Running around from place to place is virtually impossible. So far I have only carried out my Art of Shadow Teleportation in areas within a certain radius (i.e. library or something)
5. If you keep quiet about what you have been doing, people will make the wrong assumptions especially when… (you gossipy ho, i know you’re reading this soon after you finished your music quiz)
6. The education syllabus is gradualyl getting harder and harder. Why is an imemdiate junior doing stuff in amath that involves things in jC? why is it that the matrices we’re doing now used to be in jc *further* math?!
7. Someone is damn sociable huh kekeke. Compared to me — its not even my habit to add people at all. (but recording the wrong number sure is dumbness, laughably.)

seriously speaking , i feel ten years younger

Same butter cookies i ate ten years ago,

same damn fever from ten years ago (just not as high, with no need for hospital)

But I’m so good that i can lower my temperature by two degrees easily.

“Won’t you get a cold?”
“Nope, idiots never get colds.” — true enough, i haven’t gotten a cold yet.

A slight thing to learn — we should always see a doctor the moment the smallest symptoms show (i.e. sore throat) It is however unlikely that i will see the doctor earlier the next time i have a sore throat (because of trouble etc) More often than not, it is also due to an overconfidence in one’s body to stay healthy and not fall  apart.  We often think “ah, its just the *usual* sore throat — no big, i’ll get wel by popping lozenges and drinking water” but we really wouldn’t know the severity until it reaches the severe stage.

I’m annoyed that i spent so much time sleeping. re

It is often assumed that a person is rational in all his actions. Rationality is defined by doing “what is best” for one self. Thus far, my thinking is mainly shown through pragmatism and practicality.

Of late however, my actions have been seen to be irrational. For a long time, it was never hard to fall ill on certain days (i.e.flu/diarrohea/nasi lemak poisoning, so can’t swim/go for celebration) but on Tuesday, where there was a fire drill and chinese karaoke, i actually was well and fine, surprisingly. 17 others however were all ill. The air must have been bad in class. If there was anything simulated about the fire drill, it was the scorching fireball in the sky. Not like a fire will happen. Missing out on a drill won’t really be much of a loss..

And once more today, I didn’t go home at 10 to collect my geog book for my o levels in the afternoon, being the remaining less than ten in class (before i went to a certain place to sleep) to do virtually nothing. Yeah sure, i like doing absolutely nothing in class.

Alright, so i have cleared my locker and returned my school library book and received my report book… what’s left in school? Finally, after considering for a short while whether or not i’ll be well enough to go for the last day of school, it turns out that today wouldn’t be the last day i wear the black tie. It turns out that i’ll be carrying tables tomorrow. Great joy.

All of these are without a reason. It can be considered to be an action that is irrational. Yet I’m going ahead anyway.
I’d like to find out why.

I must admit though, i don’t regret going for tuesday since the karaoke was quite an experience (and watching C emcee) C however has been a very positive peer pressure in managing to convince me to go to school (and subdue the demon of laziness). Pity I won’t be seeing him tomorrow afternoon.

Perhaps it isn’t a moral issue: To rationalise my course of action and look at it as a comparison of benefits — i have two options a) go b) don’t go. A is driven by laziness and the need to rest/ the opportunity cost of staying at home etc. B is driven by…? Most probably the possibility that something good may happen if i get out of the house and interact with others. But isn’t that too, as irrational as gambling? Not so, if you compare it to staying at home and cutting away the possibility totally.

Often people think that “I must go, otherwise i may get into trouble”
A more positive way would be to think that “I must go, otherwise i may miss out on good opportunities”

Perhaps my laziness has been trumped by the possibility for opportunities to take place?